Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We Are Works of Art

Being an art enthusiast I have a replica of Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa hanging on my wall. I love to just stare at it in awe at the hours upon hours it must have taken him. To paint each stroke and to blend each color. Then I see the subject herself. She is just a woman, yet she is perhaps the most famous woman ever. Looking at this painting really made me realize something. We ourselves are works of art. Created by the master artist. We were sculpted from the very Earth we walk upon. God put as much thought and planning into us as Da Vinci put into the composition of his paintings. We were not simply some random brushstrokes thrown together as though we were abstract. We are, essentially, God's life work. All he has done he has done for us. He gave us a planet to live on, food to eat, people to connect with and love, and even animals to admire in awe. Recently I have become very big on getting healthy. Learning to eat the right foods has been a challenge but I have really had my eyes opened. It has shown me that every painting that has ever been created by whatever artist be it, Da Vinci, Seurat, Monet, or Cezanne has to be maintained. We would never dream of throwing paint on one of these great masters works so why do we insist on destroying what could be the greatest artwork ever? Each year the human brain gives off enough electricity to rival that of a lightning storm. If stretched from end to end the one-hundred thousand some odd miles of blood vessels from one person would go around the world four times and reach half-way to the moon. Not to mention the two-hundred and six bones, over six-hundred muscles and whatever else may be packed in there. All within ONE person. Most people don't stop to think about it but when you do it is really quite amazing. We are without doubt uniquely and wonderfully made. I don't wish to sound arrogant or discredit the enormous amount of time it took the great masters to paint but you have to admit. It is pretty sad when we take better care of a piece of canvas with a, few simple brush strokes, than we do our own living bodies. We don't own these bodies we coincide with them. It is made up of individual pieces that create the whole. each piece has its own level of intelligence and its own duties. When it cannot do those duties properly it tries to tell us through warning signs. Often times our body tries to communicate with us and we don't even hear it, or rather, we ignore it. As a closing statement I would like to leave you to ponder this. If you could knowingly destroy and completely ruin the Mona Lisa and then bring back Da Vinci how do you think he would act? Now imagine if God himself was to come down right this very second and see what you are doing to his own precious work of art. Would he act any differently? We are all individual sets of the same work of art. Each person different from the next. We are glorious and we are intriguing. We are human and we are art.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First Blog

Have we really lost all ability to trust in God? With President Obama recently signing the Health Care Bill his popularity rate has dropped (who knew it could go lower than zero?) As I listen to the different opinions of my fellow Americans and Christians I feel somewhat disheartened. What kind of country are we that seeks to destroy our leaders? I am not, by all means, saying our government is perfect. I am simply saying that instead of trying to destroy and sabotage our leaders we should lift them up with prayer. There are things that President Obama does that I myself do not agree with. For one I do not agree with abortion. I do however believe in and agree with God. While we as humans may think that we are an intelligent species our knowledge and wisdom pales in comparison to God. God is not at all surprised that Obama won presidency. Nor is he shocked that the Health Care Bill passed. God knows all that could happen and all that will. I understand that some have strong opinions about politics and perhaps I am just a novice voicing his. But I feel that maybe, just maybe, if we decided to band together and lift up our leaders in prayer we may find out the power we truly have. Many have said they will not vote for Obama for a second term. To that I say how do you know? He has only been president for little over a year and still has three years left. A lot can change in three years. I am not here to say I am in league with President Obama. I am, however, in league with God. I feel disheartened when Christians, my own spiritual family who know Gods word, speak ill of our leader. God says we should pray for those in power that he may lead their way. I may not support President Obama in all that he does but I DO respect him. He is the leader of my home, my country. I believe all things happen for a reason. and this is no different. For all we know President Obama could end up being the most well liked and most revered president ever. We know not what the future may bring. We don't even know what may happen in the next five minutes. That is how limited our comprehension is. If you think about it we are no different than a child. We don't know what exists outside of our own world. When we are small we depend on our parents our guardians to guide and teach us. As I have grown older I have learned many things from God. I have also come to realize what the term "Walk by Faith not by sight" truly means. Our eyes are of this world and as such will only see as this world sees. Our Faith and our souls, however, are of Gods world. When we learn to differentiate between the two then and only then are we truly informed in all that we do.